What is Dew point Meter ?
Dew point meter is a devices also call as hygrometers are use to measure dew point over a wide range of temperatures. These devices consist of a polished metal mirror which is cooled as air is passed over it. The temperature at which dew forms is, by definition, the dew point.
The dew point is the temperature to which air must be cooled to become saturated with water vapor, assuming constant air pressure and water content. When cooled below the dew point, moisture capacity is reduced and airborne water vapor will condense to form liquid water known as dew. When this occurs via contact with a colder surface, dew will form on that surface. The dew point is affected by humidity. When there is more moisture in the air, the dew point is higher. When the temperature is below the freezing point of water, the dew point is called the frost point, as frost is formed via deposition rather than condensation.[4] In liquids, the analog to the dew point is the cloud point.
We provide variable of Dew point meter as follow:
Dew Point check 4 Series 2
TQC Dew Point Meter High-end industrial sensors combined with sophisticated calibration procedures surely guarantee the highest accuracy for extreme long terms.
TQC DewCheck 4 – DPM is an extremely versatile dewpoint meter to measure and also record all climate parameters required to treat surfaces. It is easy to use, and robust dew meter conforms to ISO 8502-4 and also ASTM D3276-07. TQC Dew-Check 4 measures the relative humidity (%RH), ambient temperature (Ta), surface temperature (Ts), and also calculates the dewpoint temperature (Td). It also measure difference between dewpoint temperature and the surface temperature (ÄT). The difference between the surface temperature and dewpoint temperature indicates the optimal climate conditions for painting. All parameters can be stored in memory, and also tagged with a date and time.
For communication between DewCheck 4 dew point meter and a PC the DewCheck dew meter USB cable is standard supplied. To analyze the data the DewCheck 4 comes with the special Ideal Finish Analysis software. This software is the most advanced temperature and also humidity monitoring software package for Dew-point Meters available today. It offers user friendly reporting functions for standard production work as well as advanced calculations for in depth analysis of the climate parameters prior to coating. The detailed graphic representations and custom reports help to make the right decisions.
Dew Point Check 4 Features
DewCheck4 is simple, durable, accurate, versatile, flexible
– The one hand operation of DewCheck4, to ensure one hand free for the operator.
– DewCheck 4 has an easy menu-driven user interface in the language of your choice.
– Clear illuminated display of DewCheck4 shows all 5 parameters in one glance including battery status.
TQC DewCheck 4 Series 2 Dewpoint meter (DPM)
Supplied in leather pouch with USB-cable, Ideal Finish Analysis Software (download), calibration certificate and also English, Spanish, German or French manual.
Dew Point Meter Data set:
- RH Relative Humidity
- TS Temperature surface
- TA Temperature Air (ambient)
- TD Temperature Dewpoint
- TΔ Temperature Delta (difference between TS and TD)
- Time of storage
- Date of storage
- Limits
Dewcheck 4 available adjusts according to specific application, and limits also can be set for each parameter. At different locations in the gauge menu-structure the operator can choose to switch limits ON or OFF or change the settings of the limits. Exceeding a limit will lead to a loud acoustic signal plus an Alarm Symbol will occur in the display behind the parameter(s) that exceeded its limit. Limits are download to the PC-software and shown in the reports as well. So once set right you can forget about your application specs. Dewcheck 4 keeps them in mind for you.
Response-time is an issue with every instrument that measures climatic conditions. Time consuming procedures like with the sling- psychrometer and mechanical thermometers are the past. However it is a fact that each instrument needs time to acclimatize before it show correct values. Dewcheck 4 is equippeing with an automatic “Trend Indicator”! The “Trend Indicator” shows a little arrow with each parameter indicating whether the value is still rising or falling. No arrow means it has stabilized. Just another feature to keep it simple….
Available choices of time, date and also notations to suit the needs of users all over the world. Make your choice between (Day – Month – Year), (Month – Day – Year) or (Year – Month – Day). Time can be either the 24.00 hours clock or AM/PM notation.
The Log Manual:
- Use the DewCheck digital dewpoint gauge as handheld data logger.
- Take reading as usual and also store complete data sets* with the push of a button.
- Data sets can be divides over 8 different batches and also can be naming by the operator.
- No more notebooks and hassle in the field. Just download the data in your computer using the dedicated evaluating software.
A Log Interval:
- Use the log-interval mode when measurements has to be taken during absence of the operator or when continuous recording is required.
- DewCheck4 digital dewpoint meter stores datasets by automatically at a pre-set interval.
POSITECTOR DPM ( Dew Point Meter ).
PosiTector DPM is uses for measures and also records climatic conditions. The measure including : Relative humidity, air temperature, surface temperature, dew point temperature, wind speed,difference between surface and also dew point temperatures.
This gauge ideal for surface preparation as required by International Standard such as ISO 8502-4, BS 7079-B4, ASTM D3276, IMO PSPC, SSPC-PA7 and US Navy NSI 009-32.
Gauge benifite as folllow:
- All readings are constantly updating and also displayed simultaneously
- Solvent, acid, oil, water, and also dust resistant – weatherproof
- Fast response precision sensors provide an accurate, and also repeatable readings
- Auto Log mode records environmental parameters at user selected time intervals
- PosiTector interchangeable platform – attach multiple PosiTector probe to a single gage body
- USB, WiFi, and also Bluetooth connectivity to PosiSoft PC, Mac, and Smartphone software
- Certificate of Calibration showing traceability to NIST also included (Long Form)
PosiTector DPM Available for body selection
Standard Models
- Storage of 2,500 datasets
- Auto Log mode runs unattended on batteries for up to 50 hours or continuously via USB
Advanced Models
- Storage of 100,000 datasets in up to 1,000 batches
- NEW Enhanced Auto Log mode turns the gauge off between readings for up to 8 months of battery life. Each reading can be upload to or an FTP server using WiFi. Automatically group readings into batches at daily, weekly, or monthly intervals.
- User defined limits for all parameters—visible and also audible warnings
- NEW Send email alerts when connected to WiFi
- Onscreen Batch Annotation—add notes, change batch names and more with built-in QWERTY keyboard
- Wet bulb temperature can be displayed and also recorded
- Trend Charts graph readings in real-time
- WiFi technology wirelessly synchronizes with and also downloads software updates
- Bluetooth 4.0 Technology for data transfer to a mobile device running the PosiTector App or optional portable printer. BLE API available for integration into third-party software.
- Integrate with third-party software, drones, ROVs, PLCs, and robotic devices using several industry-standard communication protocols
Probes selection Video
Wet Bulb Temperature displayed/recorded on PosiTector Advanced (3) models only.
For more product detail information, quotation request and future discussion please contact us.