What is Low Voltage Pinhole Detector?
Low voltage pinhole detector, also known as the wet sponge technique, is use to test relatively thinly coating substrates. Positest LPD are effective for coating thicknesses of 500 microns or less. This detection method is suitable for identifying pinhole defects only.
We provide two type of low voltage pinhole detector as follow:
TQC Low Voltage pinhole detector.
TQC Low Voltage Porosity Pinhole detector , enables the user to inspect various coatings on conductive substrates for small defects, such as holidays and pinholes using the ‘wet sponge technique according ISO 8289-1’. This document specifies two low voltage tests for detecting and locating defects that extend to the basis metal in vitreous and porcelain enamel coatings. Method A (electrical) is applicable to the rapid detection and determination of the general location of defects. Method B (optical), based on colour effects, is applicable to the more precise detection of defects and their exact locations. Both methods are commonly applied to flat surfaces. For more intricate shapes, such as undulated and/or corrugated surfaces, ISO 8289-2 is applicable.
The grounding clamp is connected to an untreated piece of the substrate (which is electrically connected with the measurement area), where the wet sponge will be used to probe the entirety of the coating with the selected voltage applied. When current flows from the sponge wand to the grounding clamp then that indicates a defect in the coating. The user will be notified using the selected feedback method(s). (Buzzer, vibration, headphones and also display.
Pinhole Detector is available in both two models: Basic 9V / 90V and Advanced 9V, 24V, 67,5V and 90V.
The number of detected pinholes is stored in memory. It will remains available after power down, even when replacing batteries. But an user also can clear the memory.

- Color Display with battery indicator and also menu based user interface
- Intuitive single button controls
- Visual, audible and also tactile feedback*
- Return cable connectivity detection*
- Smart power saving features (screen dimming, standby, and also auto power-off)
- Detected pinhole counter
- Automated self-diagnostics
- Depending on model
To have full access in any area a special Low Voltage Expansion Kit is available. This kit comes without the Low Voltage Pinhole Detector, and also the standard accessories that can stored in the carry box. The kit comes in a sturdy suitcase that contains a telescopic stick, roller-sponge, spare sponge, universal clamp, customize able sponge, pair of scissors, magnet ground clamp, plastic bottle, 10 m cable 4 mm, 1,25 m cable 4 mm, and also M6 hexagonal adapter.
Positest LPD Low Voltage Pinhole Detector. VIDEO
PosiTest LPD Pinhole Detector for Metal and Concrete Substrates
Detects holidays, pinholes and other discontinuities in coatings on metal and concrete substrates.
- Ground Sense visibly reassures the user that the instrument is properly grounded
- 4 voltage output options conform to a variety of standards
- Weatherproof, dustproof and shockproof – meets or exceeds IP65
- Rugged and also environmentally sealed enclosure
- A year warranty and also certificate of Calibration showing traceability to NIST included (Long Form)
Conforms to ISO 14654, ISO 8289, ASTM G62, G6, D5162, BS7793-2, NACE TM0384, SP0188, AS3894.2, and also JIS K 6766
Select from 2 PosiTest LPD Kit Options
PosiTest Low Pin Hole Detector Basic Kit (LPDKITB)
Includes everything needed for detecting pinholes using a rectangular sponge wand
Basic Kit comes complete with
- PosiTest LPD, base tube
- 3 AAA batteries
- Rectangle sponge hardware
- Rectangle sponge, 4.5 m (15’) ground wire
- Insulating collar, ear bud, wrist strap, and also carabiner
- Long Form Certificate of Calibration traceable to NIST
- instructions, hard shell case, and also a year warranty
PosiTest Low Pinhole Detector Complete Kit (LPDKITC).
Includes the contents of the Basic Kit, adaptable sponge hardware and also extension accessories.
Adaptable Sponge Hardware for a variety of test configurations
- Rectangle (Flat)
- Roller
- Internal Diameter
- Additional 20 cm x 20 cm (8”x8”) sheet sponge for custom usages and also wetting agent.
Extension Accessories
- Extension rods provide an additional 6 m (2’) of reach
- Universal adapters for use with existing paint roller extensions
- 12 m (40’) ground wire and also 5 m (15’) hot wire.