Chloride Solution




Chloride Solution is an organic bonding chemical blend which aids in the removal of CI-, sulfates and also surface reacted salts. Contains no volatile organic compounds (VOC’s), and is biodegradable.

CS recommended for use in a maintenance wash compound to reduce corrosion and also as part of surface preparation. Prior to application of primers or coatings on a variety of surfaces, including both ferrous and non-ferrous metals, concrete, wood, plastics and others.

Best surface preparation yields the best results.  Hydrocarbons should be removed prior to salt removal. Barrier materials, such as rust, scale or delaminated coatings, should be removed prior to salt removal. Sufficient mechanical force, such as high pressure water or wet abrasive blast, may be utilized so barrier materials are removed as part of salt removal procedures.

Surface preparation is the foundation for achieving full life cycle coating performance.
These salts contamination draw moisture through protective coatings, causing them to blister and fail. They can also cause degradation of the substrate. Lost productivity from protective coating failures is costly and can be hazardous.


UtilityChloride Solution

  • An acidic solvent that is much more effective and efficient than alkaline.
  • Compatible with all coatings.
  • Removes ci-, sulfates, nitrates and other salt contaminants in a simple dilution with potable water.
  • Biodegradable, non-flammable and contains no volatile organic compounds.
  • Not interfere with the adhesion of protective coatings.
  • Costs pennies per square foot, but offers significant savings by extending the service life of protective coatings.
  • Leaves no film or residue after use. (Confirmed by scanning electron microscopy inspections by KTA Tator Laboratories.)
  • Easy to use, poses no health concerns, and requires no special certifications.
  • Internationally recognized as the easiest and most economical way to remove concentrate of salt contaminants with any method: vapor/ mist blasting, high pressure washing, wet abrasive blasting.

See Directions for hand cleaning, pressure washing, UHP water jetting and wet abrasive blasting methods. Contact CHLOR*RID International, Inc. or an Authorized Distributor for other methods or technical support.

Before and after cleaning a small sample area (usually 25 Sq. Ft.), test the surface for contamination. Please adjust travel speed, pressure or dilution as necessary. After that retest to assure desired cleanliness level is achieved. It is unnecessary to use the entire contents.

For more detail information and quotation request, please contact us.


Chlor Rid

Who is Chlor Rid

CHLOR RID are manufactures surface decontamination and also passive products. Along with a full line of salt testing kits, and also provides the technical support to maximize their effectiveness. Surface Cleanliness is ESSENTIAL to Coating Performance. That why Chlor Ride provide a time use of test kit such as abrasive, water, CSN, and also Chlotest Kit.

Chlor Rid Measuring Surface Salts – Conductivity vs Ion Specific.

Testing and identifying residual surface salts is an integral part of proper surface preparation. Their removal is pivotal to the long-term performance of industrial coatings. Consequential risk reduction translates to lower life-cycle costs. Two commercial field methods are discusses to provide the user guidance on the method most suit to identifying the presence of salts where salt contamination is suspect.

Monetizing the Risk of Coating Failure.

Coatings can fail because of soluble salt contamination remaining on the substrate after surface preparation. This article discusses methods of salt removal and the importance of good surface preparation specifications. A case history reveals the possible costs of a coating failure from salt contamination.

Pipe Line Corrosion Protection.

Corrosion protection by coatings for water and wastewater pipelines is the implementation of a well-balance cycle of four equally important elements. Specifying and using a proper coating system. Proper surface preparation for the coating system, proper application of the coating system, and also quality inspection of the coating system. This paper discusses the details of this concept, together with a comprehensive review on various coating systems. And different surface preparation requirements for steel, ductile iron, and concrete pipes in water and wastewater applications. PT. Cuanli Perkasa Jaya is one of Chlor Rid worldwide distributors in Indonesia.